
Gratitude 4 : Bagels made by Hubby

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Grateful for – Bagels with cheese and ham, with some cucumber and baby tomatoes. Made by my husband.
And a cup of tea.

Had this for breakfast this morning. And really really enjoyed them, especially as I’d eaten nothing since yesterday afternoon.
Was starving . . . !

Reason for this was bad headaches resulted in me getting into bed early evening. With painkillers. And the plan (ie. hope) that a couple of hours lying down, comfy with eye patches on would do the trick.
It did – eventually.
But I was feeling exhausted after just printing 6 emails off in the afternoon. I find it too hard to read things some days unless its in print form. But just looking at the laptop screen for too long, plus the noisy printer triggered off the dammed headaches. Anyway I ended having to stay in bed right thru to this morning.
Hence no dinner last night.

But don’t want to dwell on that.

My point is that I’m always so grateful for my hubby making these bagels for me. (Although they’re meant for my lunch, not breakfast.)
He always makes them the night before while making his lunch rolls for work. He has been doing this for so long now he kindof does it on autopilot.
And I’m very grateful for it . . .

Gratitude 3 : Blueberries for breakfast

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Ok, another not very exciting photo I know.  But I’m doing my best – bear with me . . .
Today I’m grateful for enjoying a nice breakfast of blueberries with yoghurt.
Healthy and refreshing , and tastes lovely too. And easy to make, which is extremely important when energy is limited.
And they say blueberries are a superfood. Hoping for some super effects . . . !

Easter Weekend – what happened to it ?

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I realise I haven’t posted for some time.
The last few years is the worst my CFS and health has been for a long time. And it’s not really getting any better at the moment.
If anything it has possibly been even worse since maybe February-ish.
But to be honest it is hard for me to tell anything for sure.
The “brain fog” symptoms (ie, cognitive dysfunction) are quite possibly the worst they have ever been.
Plus the increased sensitivity to any stimulation (sound, TV, movement, brightness, reading, using computer, etc etc).
And all of this has been very severely disabling.
All I want is proper rest, head and brain rest more than anything. If that makes sense ?
But I remain hopeful, as I have some reasonable days. Even if they are quite few.
I guess I’m just posting this out of frustration, in the hope that I’ll feel better (emotionally that is) once I’ve done it.
And to keep my Blog going – as I  have been neglecting it.
Well, I have been managing almost nothing much of the time.
The smallest thing takes so much out of me, and the time needed to recover from it seems to get longer and longer each time.
So bloody difficult . . . .
But everyone with CFS and ME will know what I mean.
I haven’t managed to get outside the house for nearly 4 weeks now. The Easter Weekend has just passed in the blink of an eye.
Husband had the full 4 days off. I was glad he did – he was well overdue a break and some relaxation. I just wish I had been able to enjoy more of it with him, but have been in bed throughout most of the time.
The thing that has probably disappointed me most was not being able to get out into the garden. Ok, it is a mess out there, no doubt to our neighbours’ horror.  But I would love to have been able to sit outside and feel the fresh air and sunlight on my face.
I love the sun.
However we did enjoy some tasty   Chinese food on Sunday night and a couple of glasses of wine. And despite my ability to tolerate TV being very low just now – we did manage to watch a good film.
So it wasn’t all bad.

Sat night with Hubby

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Telly & Wine

Just a short fun post – to try to add some balance after all my moany posts.

Tonight my husband will be coming over – we have been living apart since January (which is another story for another post sometime . . . ).

Anyway – the plan is to just slouch & watch telly. Maybe some repeats of Downton Abbey that I have recorded. We both love it.

Will have some dinner – that he may cook with a bit of luck.  And most def some chilled white wine – which will banish all thoughts of tenants, o/s rents, repairs . .  blah blah blah . .  out of my mind till Monday.
Looking forward to that and just chilling out.

Pillow Writers

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A Prescription for M.E.

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Ordinary Miracles

This blog is my story about a life forever changed by chronic illness. I hope you'll laugh and cry with me as I try to make sense of it all. Oh, and nothing I say should ever be construed as offering medical or legal advice.


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ANNE DEAN : My journey with ME - a long one and still ongoing. But I will get there. Comments, thoughts & general rants.

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