
Crashing badly now . . . and scared 


Trying to put this post on my blog in a hurry.

As I can feel myself crashing badly. And I’m fearful I won’t be able to communicate at all with anyone for a while. Not that I do communicate with people very much. Apart from my husband, I don’t think I have seen or spoken to anyone for months. But I do manage to keep in touch with a couple of friends by text message. Even this is hard for me with so many ME symptoms to contend with. Finding it painful to tolerate the brightness of a mobile phone screen is just one difficult symptom.

For the last while – maybe almost 2 months now – I’ve been pushing myself regularly way beyond what I can safely do. Which is frustratingly very little anyway. I haven’t had any choice in this – see last blog post for details.

A combination of lots of emails and maybe 3 quite long legal phone calls has finished me off. Every email or phone conversation I only “managed” by somehow summoning up a huge amount of adrenaline (God knows where from). Because of the importance of the communications. And every time I crashed very badly afterwards.

Every time the crashes have felt worse. More symptoms, worse severity. But I had to keep pushing against this – because of the situation.

I feel so angry about this whole situation. All of the last 3 years. And now this legal fight – to cap it all.

But I can’t do anymore just now.

I feel as though this last 2 months extra-big surge of stress, exertion, confusion, worry, etc has caused one crash too many. Too many extreme type symptoms have started again, or feel worse, eg. can’t tolerate much light at all, or sound, or movement/vibration near me. All the usual symptoms are worse.

Trying to type this thru severe headaches and the agonising brightness of the screen is really really hard. And my brain feels like its plugged into electricity. I feel so horribly wired and over stimulated. Thoughts of the last 3 years of Hell all racing round my head.

I have had to spend a lot of 2017 so far in bed. Not all of it – but far too much of it. It is a rubbish life. Although there are many people with ME who are much worse than me. I know this. And I usually try to focus on being grateful that I’m not even worse. I read about one young girl who wasn’t able to sit up in her bed for 9 years. 9 YEARS . . . . not weeks or months. And people who have lost the ability to speak. Or swallow food.

And I’m quite frightened now that I could deteriorate even further.

The last 2 months have been too much. Its as simple as that.

I need to rest completely. Even if this means bowing out of any communications with the outside world for a while. And avoiding any stimulation. Or thinking.

Just breathe . . . .

Am I getting worse ?

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Its now Jan 2013 and not much has changed. In terms of my day to day life and CFS.
I actually wonder if my health has got a bit worse over the last 2 years. But its hard for me to be objective and measure this clearly.
My head is filled up thinking about work (property) issues and problems. And household problems. And business finances. And practical problems of so many things I need to do, but haven’t been able to :
eg :
get my hair cut (over 12 months now), visit to dentist (maybe over 2 years), go for breast screening, was due 3 years ago. (have had 3 appointments but wasn’t well enough for any of them).
With all this going on, plus my CFS neurological smptoms of “brain fog” and the “racing brain” (to name just two), this is probably why I haven’t got the ability to tell.
But I am getting more severe and longer-lasting symptoms some weeks. And it seems to take me longer to recover from my “crashes” each time.
People with CFS and ME will know what I mean by crashes. But for the benefit of others – it is more commonly called post exertional fatigue or post exertional exhaustion. And its nothing like the natural tiredness, or exhaustion, people can feel after a long hard day. Or even after doing something out of the ordinary which been exhausting. Like a marathon run. This tiredness/fatigue/exhaustion is entirely natural and a normal healthy person usually just needs adequate rest to recover from it.
But with CFS and ME it is so much worse.
The level of exhaustion, and severity of other symptoms, can be very bad indeed. And often totally out of all proportion to the amount of time and energy the person had used. On whatever they were doing. And to make it even harder to control – it can fluctuate from day to day, week to week, etc. (Making planning things often a real challenge, if not impossible at times.)
An example from my day to day life :
I find that I’m often exhausted now after having a shower and may need hours to recover. Not every time but too often.
By “exhausted” I mean – I am too weak and out of breath to be able to do much other than rest. My arms are sore and weak with the effort taken holding them up long enough to shampoo my hair. And my chest is pounding and heart racing. I took my pulse after a shower a while ago – it was 141. This is maybe 2 to 2.5 x the average rate of a fitter person ?
Yet it was a simple, short and non-stressful activity, done slowly under no pressure.
This makes me wonder how high my heart rate goes when I feel under any major stress.
eg. In November 2012 when relations turned sour with a firm of tradesmen I had used for lots of work in my properties. And spent much money with them. One of the 2 partners turned into a total scumbag and actually threatened voilence against the properties. Saying he would “rip the fittings out of all of them”. Or words similar. And this in writing to me by text message. . . Then a 2nd text message to me confirming it was “a promise, not a threat” . Unbelievable.
Just to add here : I had an ongoing account with this firm and faithfully paid them every month as had been agreed. So I wasn’t in default to them in any way. But I had been raising my dissatisfaction with some of their work, and various broken promises with time-scales etc.
And they just turned nasty.
That week I was in bed almost the entire time – and my worst symptom was feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest. That heavy, weighty feeling.
Just awful.
But I still had to deal with the situation as best I could – from my bed. And not very well admittedly.
Its all over now and these people are out of my life.
But I hate to think that this could have worsened my condition. As I was experiencing so many bad emotions that week – fear, anger, disbelief, frustration, despair. But anger more than anything.
However they say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
I certainly hope so . . . !

Feeling Sorry For Myself Today !

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Ok I confess I was feeling a bit sorry for myself today. But its allowed at times isn’t it ?

Reasons :

1) Now Friday night and I haven’t been outside the house since last Sunday. (Actually that is just 5 days which is better than some weeks. But still not great.)

2) I am managing to work (for myself) but doing it poorly. Backlog of work just gets bigger and bigger !

3) My life for such a long time now has been :
Work – too much for me – unwell – crash – rest – recover a bit
Then start all over again.

4) I just cannot get a proper break to allow myself to get better – or work towards it. If I stop for 1 or 2 days (when CFS forces me to) the work backlog and problems get worse. And makes it even harder when I restart a day or two later. I don’t want to keep going on about this as I know I’ve mentioned it before – but it feels unresolvable just now.

5) Have so little energy or time left over to do anything nice or fun – apart from work, work, work.
Not the life I would have chosen.

5) I was guilty of dwelling today on how many days of my life have been “lost” because of this bloody CFS.
By lost – I don’t mean days I haven’t got out the house. These are very common because I work from home, then have no energy left. I mean the days (like today) when most of it has been spent being unable to do almost anything (even work). And have been in and out of bed most of the time. (Still in my PJs now.)

6) Often feel the outside world has no idea what my life is like.
For instance neighbours that I haven’t managed to chat with properly for ages probably think I’m a bit unsociable. Some friends I’m sure have taken offence that I haven’t been in contact for ages. Etc etc
And my husband tends to play it down if people ask. He will say things like “she gets a bit tired” or “she tries her best”. Neither of course give any inkling of the reality.
NB. This is a difficult area for me and always has been.
I don’t know if I can yet explain it properly. You see its not that I am looking for attention or sympathy. But I often feel that hardly anyone knows how hard I am trying – and how hard it is day to day. And I am so sensitive at anyone thinking I’m lazy or not trying.

7) Sometimes I feel scared I could slip into a “severe CFS” state and won’t be able to pull myself back. If things in my life don’t improve and the day to day stress lifts a bit. This can’t happen on its own I know – and I am trying so hard and so many things. But these take up even more energy.

8) I keep saying “I will get there” and “I will keep going” . But some days I don‘t believe myself.

9) I was also dwelling (too much) on the way so many people treat you if you have CFS or ME. Not everyone by any means – but so many people.
Hubby once said to me “Anne, people are bored, don’t understand and are not interested”.
A young girl (young teens) with ME put it very simply in an article I read recently. She said “people have not been very nice to me since I got ME”.
Both of these sum it up at times . . . .

Pillow Writers

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Utting-Wolff Spouts

Encompassing the natural and social sciences, politics and social justice issues

A Prescription for M.E.

Insights from the intersection of patient & pharmacist

Ordinary Miracles

This blog is my story about a life forever changed by chronic illness. I hope you'll laugh and cry with me as I try to make sense of it all. Oh, and nothing I say should ever be construed as offering medical or legal advice.


The greatest dreams are achieved with open eyes and a conscious mind...

ANNE DEAN : My journey with ME - a long one and still ongoing. But I will get there. Comments, thoughts & general rants.

Two Rooms plus Utilities

ANNE DEAN : My journey with ME - a long one and still ongoing. But I will get there. Comments, thoughts & general rants.

Dead Men Don't Snore

Learning to Live with Chronic Illness


Law and Health: due process and civil society