
Crashing badly now . . . and scared 


Trying to put this post on my blog in a hurry.

As I can feel myself crashing badly. And I’m fearful I won’t be able to communicate at all with anyone for a while. Not that I do communicate with people very much. Apart from my husband, I don’t think I have seen or spoken to anyone for months. But I do manage to keep in touch with a couple of friends by text message. Even this is hard for me with so many ME symptoms to contend with. Finding it painful to tolerate the brightness of a mobile phone screen is just one difficult symptom.

For the last while – maybe almost 2 months now – I’ve been pushing myself regularly way beyond what I can safely do. Which is frustratingly very little anyway. I haven’t had any choice in this – see last blog post for details.

A combination of lots of emails and maybe 3 quite long legal phone calls has finished me off. Every email or phone conversation I only “managed” by somehow summoning up a huge amount of adrenaline (God knows where from). Because of the importance of the communications. And every time I crashed very badly afterwards.

Every time the crashes have felt worse. More symptoms, worse severity. But I had to keep pushing against this – because of the situation.

I feel so angry about this whole situation. All of the last 3 years. And now this legal fight – to cap it all.

But I can’t do anymore just now.

I feel as though this last 2 months extra-big surge of stress, exertion, confusion, worry, etc has caused one crash too many. Too many extreme type symptoms have started again, or feel worse, eg. can’t tolerate much light at all, or sound, or movement/vibration near me. All the usual symptoms are worse.

Trying to type this thru severe headaches and the agonising brightness of the screen is really really hard. And my brain feels like its plugged into electricity. I feel so horribly wired and over stimulated. Thoughts of the last 3 years of Hell all racing round my head.

I have had to spend a lot of 2017 so far in bed. Not all of it – but far too much of it. It is a rubbish life. Although there are many people with ME who are much worse than me. I know this. And I usually try to focus on being grateful that I’m not even worse. I read about one young girl who wasn’t able to sit up in her bed for 9 years. 9 YEARS . . . . not weeks or months. And people who have lost the ability to speak. Or swallow food.

And I’m quite frightened now that I could deteriorate even further.

The last 2 months have been too much. Its as simple as that.

I need to rest completely. Even if this means bowing out of any communications with the outside world for a while. And avoiding any stimulation. Or thinking.

Just breathe . . . .

#MillionsMissing – another photo

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Following on from my last post on the #MissingMillions day on 25th May 2016.
Here is another photo taken on the day of a lot of empty pairs of shoes that were sent.  This was in one of the American cities.

I just could not work out how to add this photo into the previous blogpost – in place of the one I deleted. Which would have been better.
I realise it is probably very simple when you know how . . .
But I struggle a lot with using any tech things like tablets, mobiles, laptops, etc. So many ME symptoms get triggered off, or made worse.
Hyper-sensitivity, electro sensitivity, or whatever . . . In any case, it can make simple things difficult and painful to do.
Just sending text messages can be torture even with my smartphone’s brightness on the absolute lowest setting.

Anyway, I’ve probably mentioned this before.  But just to explain why I have done another blog post just to correct a photo.

Making a meal of something that ‘should’ have been simple . . . .

Missing from our own lives


This was the scene in one American city yesterday – just one city.
For a day of worldwide protest called #MissingMillions.
Update :
Photo removed – see notes in Replies section. Sorry for confusion.
I will try to insert another photo into this post – when I have the energy to work out how to do it. Not very good with tech stuff like this . . . !

The shoes belong to people with ME who sent them in. Or got someone to send them. (I didn’t even manage to do that.)
To represent the fact that so many of us with ME are not well enough to attend a protest. Even if it was on our doorstep.

We are missing from our own lives.

And from the lives of our friends and family. Even much of the time from the lives of our husbands, wives or partners.

We are pretty much invisible to the world.

I am exhausted after just following it on twitter yesterday.
To the extent that I haven’t been able to wash, get dressed, or eat any proper food today. Just snacks.
(But I have had many days where I have been much worse than this.)

I wanted to do this blogpost as it was a very emotional thing to see all the photos of empty shoes.
Incredibly emotional.
So many lives going to waste.
And I bet all these shoes only represent a small percentage of the number of sufferers.

It was uplifting too.
And I felt less alone than I have done in a long while.

Surely this will help society realise that we have a serious illness which is very disabling ?

And that we’re not just a bit tired.
Or having a nice sleep in bed.

I wish . . . .

ME Awareness Day 2016 : Comments from sufferers

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I wanted to do something for today but am very lacking in physical and mental energy.
So I am just posting a selection of comments from people that I came across on Twitter.
I think these well describe the situation we are in.

“Many people with ME are suffering against a backdrop of ignorance and disbelief”
Sarah, England

“I’ve been ill for 10 years but was only diagnosed in 2014”
Amelia, UK

“If you phone the NHS seeking a doctor who has any knowledge of this illness, they cannot name one person. Not one”
John, UK

“Daughter has ME in UK and little support. GP commented ‘you’re not that bad are you?’  I told him he only sees her when she is well”
Person in UK

“People with ME doing exercise under medical persuasion have become bedridden and appallingly ill”
John, Scotland

“It is very sad that government have allowed an entire disease to go unchecked for 3 decades”
Kati, Vancouver

“I am only 31 and yet everday things like taking a bath exhaust me”
Mary, USA

“People struggle to comprehend the enormity of the situation of people with ME. It just seems too unbearable”
Nicola, UK

“Diagnosed with breast cancer. Astonished by reactions. Where were all you caring people when I was much more ill with ME/CFS ?”
Linda, Belgium

“I used to be ashamed of this, but I have almost no support. One friend. Daughter sees me once a month. Have severe progressive ME and alone”
Louise, Canada

“I know far too many people who’s loved ones see, disbelieve, make life hell for the person with ME. And leave”
Lindy, area not stated

“So many people have said to me ‘it must be great to stay in bed all day’ . Well No, it actually isn’t”
Female, UK

“Sat on the bathroom floor because I am too tired to dry myself”
Person in UK

“People close to us must also find acceptance : understanding that ME isn’t a mental block and we can’t just run it off”
James, UK

“I’m always amazed at the amount of people who aren’t accepting. The psychosocial view of ME invites judgment on the patient”
Henry, UK

“What does it say about our situation that we have come to EXPECT neglect, disbelief, unprofessionalism and dismissal from doctors ?”
ME Action Network,  Global

“I fought so hard to recover from my broken neck and become a triathlete and Advanced Personal Trainer, yet I cannot beat damn ME. Says it all”
Carmel, England

“I can relate to that. I survived a rare aggressive form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma,  but I cannot beat ME”
Female, UK

“Patients are left household, bedbound and even fed by tubes. We as patients have to raise awareness and funding alone for ME/CFS”
Jade, England

“And yet 1 out of every 4 people with ME have lower quality of life than people with heart failure, end stage AIDS, or stage 4 cancer”
Kit, USA

2015 in review

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The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here's an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,300 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 38 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Pillow Writers

An ME/CFS writing group

Rosa Rainbows

Rosa Rainbows ~ life with severe chronic illness 🌸☘️

Utting-Wolff Spouts

Encompassing the natural and social sciences, politics and social justice issues

A Prescription for M.E.

Insights from the intersection of patient & pharmacist

Ordinary Miracles

This blog is my story about a life forever changed by chronic illness. I hope you'll laugh and cry with me as I try to make sense of it all. Oh, and nothing I say should ever be construed as offering medical or legal advice.


The greatest dreams are achieved with open eyes and a conscious mind...

ANNE DEAN : My journey with ME - a long one and still ongoing. But I will get there. Comments, thoughts & general rants.

Two Rooms plus Utilities

ANNE DEAN : My journey with ME - a long one and still ongoing. But I will get there. Comments, thoughts & general rants.

Dead Men Don't Snore

Learning to Live with Chronic Illness


Law and Health: due process and civil society