Does anyone else feel their lives are a continual round of energy highs and lows ?
Or the “boom and bust” as its often known as.
Its so frustrating isn’t it ?

Last weekend (Sat evening) I went to a party. And my last post was about this.
To give myself the best possible chance of being ok for this party, I had to rest as much as possible for a few days before it.
In effect I took 2 days off work.

This paid off in and I made it to the party and had a really good night.
The next day was “lost” because of the very late night (5 am) and the amount of wine consumed ! But that was ok. To be expected really and I didn’t mind this at all.
It was a 50 th party, and not an every-day event.

What was annoying was the awful energy “crash” that followed.
The party was on Sat, the expected hangover on Sunday – just a headache and tired. And the headache was a normal, to be expected, headache. And the tiredness also the normal, to be expected, tiredness when you don’t get to bed until 5.30 am.
So that was ok. An accepted price to pay in my eyes.

But on Monday the slump, crash, payback, or whatever you want to call it set in.
More formally known as post-exertional exhaustion/fatigue/malaise . . . .
And for the benefit of any non-sufferers of CFS or ME reading – this is a type of tiredness or exhaustion that is not natural or comparable at all.
It is horrible.

Being Easter Monday, I didn’t stress or beat myself up over the fact I would likely lose the whole day, and get no work done. (Not that I would really want to work on a bank holiday, but remember I had avoided work since Wed of the week before.)
Anyway I think this helped me avoid the worst of the CFS headaches that often come on when I’m under stress.

But the tiredness . . .
It was much worse, totally different from the previous day. I felt like I was wearing pyjamas made of lead. I don’t actually wear pyjamas but you get the idea . . . Body powerless, weighed down. And my head/brain felt like I had been drugged.
Totally incapable of anything.
This lasted all thru Monday and affected most of Tuesday too.

By Wed I had to get some work done – as it had been left for a whole week by then.
And so – back into the vicious circle of the mini boom and busts !

Oh well – nobody said it would be easy, did they ?
In the opening line of one of my favourite books The Road Less Travelled by M Scott Peck, he states :

” Life Is Difficult ”

But I did enjoy the party and lasted an amazing 8 hours at it . . .
Ha !